Short Nap Trapped: How to Overcome Short Naps

Overcoming the Short Nap Challenge

We’ve all experienced the frustration of short naps that seem to dominate our lives, making it seem impossible to break the cycle. One of the most frequent questions I encounter from families and on social media is, “How can I help my baby extend naps beyond the 30-minute mark?”

Given the prevalence of this issue, I’ve compiled a reference and checklist to guide you through the maze of short naps, with the goal of uncovering the underlying issues and paving the way to longer, more restful naps.

Improvement in Overnight Sleep Precedes Naps

Expect your baby’s overnight sleep to consolidate and improve before daytime naps do.

A chronic state of sleep debt, characterized by multiple overnight awakenings and brief naps, can significantly hinder your baby’s ability to fall and stay asleep, whether at bedtime or naptime.

For babies who are habitual short nappers, it’s crucial to assess overnight sleep first.

If bedtime struggles or frequent overnight awakenings are issues, focus on fostering independent sleep at bedtime and achieving uninterrupted overnight sleep with minimal feedings before addressing nap lengths.

Naps typically lengthen one at a time, requiring considerable practice and patience. If overnight sleep is already satisfactory, use the following list to troubleshoot short naps.

Top Tip

For babies in a chronic state of sleep debt, offer three rescue days. Provide as much contact sleep and resettling as needed, both at night and during the day. Aim to optimize their sleep and help your baby emerge from sleep debt before returning to sleep training.

Is the Napping Environment Conducive?

Darkness is Key

Post 2-3 months, your baby’s napping environment should be pitch-dark to support the development of their circadian rhythm and melatonin production. If your baby hasn’t yet napped in their crib, now’s the time to start.

Light signals our brains to wake up, so invest in quality blackout shades to prevent any light intrusion.

Room Temperature

Maintain the room temperature between 66-72 degrees Fahrenheit. Dress your baby in one additional layer compared to what you’d comfortably wear in the same environment. Unlike during the day, our body temperature naturally drops overnight, aiding sleep.

Sound Machine

Continuous white, brown, or pink noise can foster positive sleep associations, aiding your baby in falling asleep and transitioning between sleep cycles. Such noise can also mask external or household sounds.

Wake Windows: Short Wake Window Equals Short Nap

Determining the appropriate wake windows for your baby can be a game-changer for short naps. Insufficient sleep pressure between naps and inadequate awake time often result in brief naps (under 45 minutes).

This is particularly common in four to six-month-olds who haven’t yet transitioned to a three-nap schedule.

Gradually extend your baby’s afternoon wake window by 10-15 minutes over three days to see if it improves nap length. The ideal wake window is when your baby falls asleep swiftly.

Conversely, insufficient napping can lead to overtiredness, another cause of short naps, due to increased cortisol and adrenaline levels that disrupt sleep.

Age Considerations

Short naps are developmentally normal for babies aged 3-5 months. Naps typically begin to extend around five months as babies transition to a three-nap schedule. While some newborns may take longer naps, it’s entirely normal for naps to last only 30-40 minutes up to 4-5 months. Rest assured, naps will lengthen over time.

Independent Sleep

Mastering independent sleep is crucial for overcoming short naps once your baby reaches four months.

If you’re unable to place your baby awake in the crib without resorting to nursing, rocking, or repeatedly replacing the pacifier, they’re likely to awaken after one sleep cycle seeking the same aid to fall back asleep.

You can establish healthy sleep habits, routines, and independent sleep from birth without formal sleep training.

Post four months, you may observe significant sleep changes. While the desire for longer naps is understandable, prioritize consistent overnight sleep before tackling naps.

During nap training, allow your baby the chance to self-soothe by practicing “crib hour” or “crib adjustment” rather than ending the nap immediately after a 30-minute wake-up. This approach provides them with the opportunity to fall back asleep independently, which, over time, will enable them to connect sleep cycles seamlessly.

To delve deeper into nap training and gentle nap extension techniques, consider my Independent Sleep Course.

Personalized Sleep Support

For tailored sleep coaching, I offer one-on-one plans for families starting at four months. With various options available, we can work together to ensure both you and your baby enjoy a full night’s sleep.


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