How to Keep Newborns Awake for Feeding

Four Reasons to Encourage Wakefulness During Daytime Feeds

  1. Full Feeds: Ensuring your baby stays awake during feedings can help them consume a complete meal rather than snacking intermittently. This practice promotes eating every three hours during the day and can lead to longer sleep periods at night. Snacking habits tend to replicate themselves, potentially causing your newborn to wake every 1-2 hours overnight.

  2. Stimulation: Adequate stimulation during wakeful periods is crucial for your baby’s development. It also assists in distinguishing day from night, helping to regulate their sleep cycle.

  3. Avoiding Power Naps: Keeping your baby awake while feeding prevents them from taking short power naps, which can make them less inclined to sleep when it’s time for a proper nap.

  4. Routine Development: An established routine with defined wake windows simplifies the process of identifying whether your baby is hungry or tired.

Strategies for Keeping Your Newborn Awake During Feeds

While it becomes easier to keep your newborn awake for feeds around the 4-6 week mark, it may require some effort:

  • Undress Them: Lightly undressing your baby can help keep them alert.

  • Diaper Change: Change their diaper before starting the feed to wake them up.

  • Physical Stimulation: Gently rub their feet or back to maintain wakefulness.

  • Feeding Breaks: Pause for burping to break the monotony and keep them awake.

  • Cool Washcloth: A cool washcloth on the neck or wiping their back and feet can be refreshing.

  • Change Positions: Alter your feeding position to prevent them from getting too comfortable.

  • Engage with Them: Talking or singing to your baby can help keep their attention.

It’s perfectly normal for your newborn to fall asleep during some feeds despite these efforts. Focus on keeping them awake for at least one feed a day without stressing about the rest. As your newborn begins to stay awake more consistently for one feed, gradually apply the same approach to other daytime feeds.

Over a few weeks, as you both settle into the rhythm of newborn life, you’ll notice your baby having more intentional awake periods after 3-4 weeks, making it easier to keep them alert post-feeding.


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